Health & Wellness Education

Looking to expand your knowledge and understanding of various integrative approaches to health and wellbeing? We offer two very unique paths to an education in integrative health, wellness, and lifestyle approaches to enhance your practice.

Which option best meets your needs?

Compare our faculty-engaged Integrative Health and Lifestyle program delivered online with a week-by week syllabus and one live educational retreat in Tucson to our on-demand, self-paced, online Wellness & Lifestyle Series.

Which is best for your needs?

Integrative Health & Lifestyle Program

Wellness & Lifestyle Series


Application process.

Open enrollment. No application process.

Online learning?

Almost all online, except for a 4-day educational retreat in Tucson.

All online.

Pace of learning?

Online coursework to be completed on a weekly basis, following a syllabus with your classmates.

Self-paced. Work independently on online coursework anytime. Accelerated or when is convenient for you.

Join a class of peers?

Peer-supported learning:

  • Join a class of like-minded professionals
  • Build community online and in person
  • Be part of a small group of students for self-care support and sharing.

Individual-focused learning with some online peer sharing.

Travel required?

Includes a 4-day in-person event with hands-on workshops, faculty lectures, discussions and some of the best food.

Held in a resort setting in Tucson, AZ in May.

Cost for attending event is included in the tuition. Student responsible for travel, room, and some of the meal expenses.

Does not include any in-person events or sessions. No travel.

Faculty engagement?

Faculty-engaged design:

  • Each student assigned to a small faculty-mentor led self-care team for support throughout the program and live virtual team meet-ups
  • 5-7 Live virtual zoom sessions with faculty panels for Q&A related to online curriculum
  • In-person training with a variety of faculty experts for lectures, hands-on learning, and Q&A

No Faculty engagement

  • Curriculum was written and developed with a wide variety of faculty experts, but the design does not include online discussions or direct in-person teaching


Licensed health professionals are eligible to apply for acceptance into this program

Designed for health professionals, but open to all

Certificate of completion?

Certificate program

Certificate option*

Amount of curriculum?

250 hours of online and in-person learning

Individual units with 25-35 hours of online learning in each.


Program tuition totals $5,102.48 to $5,875.89 (based on time of application)

Fee per series unit: $653.56

If you take all 5 units in the series and request a Certificate of completion: Up to $3,267.80



Yes – a few partial scholarships are available every year

None available

Timeframe to complete

6 months total

Complete in as little as 2 weeks or take up to 180 days. If you want to earn a certificate for the full series - all units must be complete within 18 months

Integrative Health & Coach eligible?

Completion of IHeLp fulfills a pre-requisite for eligibility to apply through our Integrative Health Coaching certification path.

Successful certificate of completion for the Wellness & Lifestyle Series in combination with having a Bachelor's degree makes you eligible to apply through the Integrative Wellness Coach certification path.

Alumni status

IHeLp graduates are Center Alumni and eligible for special discounts and offerings to support their continued learning and growth.

IHeLp has over 380 alumni across the country and internationally. Our community is growing each year!

No alumni status.

Those completing the Certificate path will have Center Associate status that receive some special support and offerings.


Learn more about the Integrative Health & Lifestyle program (IHeLp)

Learn more about the Wellness & Lifestyle Series

Integrative Health Coaching Eligibility 

Learn more about our IH Coaching certification program or reach out to our Admissions Team to discuss the best route to applying for this program.